CAPP for Faculty

CAPP for Faculty


FACULTY Degree Evaluation Information Page


What's a Degree Evaluation?

Why is a student's degree evaluation so important to me?

How do I access a student's Degree Evaluation?

Do I have access to all my advisee's evaluations?

What do I do if I determine a student needs an adjustment to their record?

There is a course being used where it doesn't belong. Why?

Can I view a previous audit?

Who do I notify if I am having a problem with an evaluation?

Some IMPORTANT Notes...

What's a Degree Evaluation?

The Degree Evaluation is a tool that can be used for academic advising as well as for degree audit and graduation evaluation. The degree evaluation compares the student's academic history to the program in which s/he is enrolled in Banner. As everything in Banner, this comparison is term-specific. The summary at the top of the evaluation will specify against which catalog the student is being evaluated.

Other names for the Degree Evaluation: CAPP, Degree Audit, Graduation Audit

Why is a student's degree evaluation so important to me?

The degree evaluation is a complete academic history for both you and your advisee. The information that is contained in the report will help you and the student better prepare for the upcoming registration each semester, and ensure that the student is on track to graduate on time. It is an extremely useful tool.  

How do I access a student's degree evaluation?

The Degree Evaluation system is available 24 hours a day through Banner Web. The following link will take you to the directions on how to run a degree evaluation.

Do I have access to all my advisees' evaluations?

You may generate a degree evaluation on any of your assigned advisees.

What to do if I determine a student needs an adjustment to their record?

Course Adjustments are still done on the Alternative Degree Requirement form which is available in the Academic School Offices. Final approval of the requested adjustment requires the approval of the School Dean or Department Chair.

There is a course being used in an area where it doesn't belong. Why?

This usually indicates that an Alternative Degree Requirement form has been submitted for this student. If you wish to know which course this being substituted for, you will have to either check the student's file or contact the Assistant Registrar-Data Management.

Can I view a previous audit?

Previous evaluations are routinely purged from the system from time to time. If you wish to store an evaluation permanently, you may print the output for the student's file.

Who do I notify if I am having problems with the degree evaluation?

If you are having a problem with an evaluation or if you see a problem with the output, contact the Assistant Registrar-Data Management.

Some IMPORTANT Notes...

  • An evaluation is really a "snapshot in time". You really should run a new audit each semester. Old audits will never update with new semester data.
  • Evaluations include courses the student is registered for in the current term AND for future terms (if they are registered for the next semester already).
  • Evaluations also include transferred courses. These grades are recorded as "T_" (A transferred A would be a TA, a transferred B+ would be a TB+, etc.).
  • Occasionally, a situation arises where the degree evaluation has absolutely nowhere to assign a course. If this is the case, it is put in an "unused" status. These courses are NOT included in the total credit hour summary at the top of the evaluation, but they are still on the student's transcript. You can know that this is happening, if you notice that at the bottom of that summary, it will tell you how many courses are "rejected". If you need assistance finding this area or interpreting the information, please contact the Assistant Registrar for Academic Services.
  • If a student's major, minor, and concentration is not up-to-date in Banner, their evaluation will be wrong. Please review the information in the header to ensure the major, minor, and concentrations are correct.
  • The "Program GPA" section on a student's degree evaluation is NOT a major GPA. Furthermore, any course that is insufficient will not display in the evaluation; therefore, it will not reflect in the GPAs displayed. 

Contact Us

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

122 White Hall
(315) 792-3407

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