Enrollment Verifications

Enrollment Verifications

Enrollment and Degree Verification

Utica College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree and enrollment verification*. Degree and enrollment verification is only provided to active and registered students.

The College sends enrollment data to the Clearinghouse on a monthly basis AFTER the add/drop period for 16-week classes is complete.

The Clearinghouse automatically sends your enrollment information to your lenders electronically.

Parent PLUS loans cannot be automatically updated via the Clearinghouse because the loan is in the parent's name. You may submit paper forms from your lenders to keep Parent PLUS loans in deferment.

If you need your child's enrollment verified on a form, your son or daughter can follow the instructions below to produce an enrollment certificate that may be affixed to any form that requires verification of enrollment.

To review your enrollment verifications or to print an enrollment certificate:

  1. Log in to your Banner Web Account
  2. Click on "Student and Financial Aid"
  3. Click on "Enrollment Verification"

From here, you can:

  • Obtain an enrollment certificate** - this is a PDF document that you can either print out or email to your parent to attach to your insurance verification form
  • View all enrollment information on file with the Clearinghouse
  • View your student loan deferment notifications that have been sent on your behalf
  • View proof(s) of enrollment the Clearinghouse has provided to health insurers or other providers
  • View specific information regarding your student loans
** There are three types of enrollment certificates:
  1. Current enrollment - for the current term only; can only be produced AFTER the College has completed our census for the term and uploaded registration data to the Clearinghouse. If your current enrollment is not updated, you should produce an Advanced enrollment certificate.
  2. All enrollment - shows all enrollment data from the day you started at the College.
  3. Advanced enrollment - this will reflect your enrollment status at the time we uploaded the file.

*Regarding Enrollment Status:


  • Full time enrollment is twelve (12) credits or more.
  • Half time enrollment is between six (6) and eleven (11) credits.
  • Less than half time enrollment is five (5) credits or less.


Starting in summer 2013:
  • Full time enrollment for on-campus programs is nine (9) credits or more.
  • Full time enrollment for on-line programs is six (6) credits or more.
  • Half time enrollment for on-campus programs is five to eight (5-8) credits.
  • Half time enrollment for online programs is three to five (3-5) credits.
  • Less than half time enrollment for on-campus programs is one to four (1-4) credits.
  • Less than half time enrollment for online programs is one to two (1-2) credits.
Starting in Fall 2013:
  • Full time enrollment is six (6) credits or more.
  • Half time enrollment is three to five (3-5) credits.
  • Less than half time enrollment one to two (1-2) credits.

To Contact The National Student Clearinghouse:

Contact Us

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

122 White Hall
(315) 792-3407

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