


Diplomas are ordered several times after each degree conferral (May, August, and December). We have to check each degree candidate's final grades for the semester, ensure that all incompletes are completed and that the final GPA is above the minimum required for each degree candidate.

Since May is our largest graduating class of the year, it can take up to two months to process and complete all the paperwork. (August and December take approximately a month to process.) To minimize your wait as much as possible, we submit our orders to the printer in several batches during the course of the process.

If you have no holds on your account, your diploma will be mailed to the address you specified on your application for degree. If you have a hold on your account, your diploma will be sent to the Registrar's Office. Once your account is cleared, please contact us, and we will confirm with the appropriate office that the hold has been lifted. We will then mail the diploma to you.

For information on requesting a replacement diploma, click HERE.

NOTE: Your diploma is mailed directly to you from the printer. Therefore, it will not be shipped with a final transcript of grades. If you need a final transcript, you should order it through the Registrar's office on the standard transcript request form. This can be done before your degree is awarded; simply mark off the box that states that you wish the transcript to be sent after the degree is awarded.

Contact Us

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

122 White Hall
(315) 792-3407

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