Permission to Study

Permission to Study

Permission to Study at Another Institution - Undergraduates

Undergraduate students may request permission to study at another institution while on break from Utica College. Please read the instructions carefully.

NOTE: If you have taken a course at Utica College, but wish to retake it for a better grade, you must retake the course at Utica College. Courses taken at another institution are accepted as credit only. They will not replace a UC grade.

What to do:

  1. Print out the form (there is a link at the bottom of the page)
  2. Fill out the top part of the form
  3. Print out the course descriptions from the school you plan to attend
  4. Meet with your adviser; s/he will assign the Utica College equivalent courses
  5. The Dean will review the form and either sign it or make revisions
  6. The form then comes to the Registrar, and he will do the final revision
  7. A copy of the form will be mailed to you, or you can request to come pick it up in our office. A copy of the form will be retained in your student folder.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Permission to Study at Another Institution is subject to review and approval by the Office of the Registrar. As written in Academic Policies and Procedures, part of the graduation requirement of Utica College is a residency requirement -- your last 30 credits are all to be earned at Utica College. If you have already earned ninety (90) credits toward your degree, you must clearly indicate that in the space provided on the Permission to Study form and clearly indicate you are seeking a waiver of the residency requirement. Again, this is subject to review and approval by the Office of the Registrar.


Study Abroad: This form is not the correct form for study abroad. If you wish to study abroad, you should contact the International Studies Office and complete this form.

Graduate Students: All forms for graduate students are located on the Office of Graduate Studies' forms page.

Contact Us

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

Nicole Cornacchia-Morgan, M.S.Ed.

122 White Hall
(315) 792-3407

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