Animal Behavior Resources
Field experiences, research opportunities, and in-demand careers
Taught by expert faculty, UC’s research-intensive Animal Behavior program gets students out of the classroom with field experiences and independent research projects. A partnership with the Utica Zoo gives student the opportunity to experience zoo research, animal care and husbandry firsthand.
Research, Publications, and Media
Steffon Williams, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2016-present. The Influence of Artificial Light at Night on Nocturnal Activity of Eastern Redbacked Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus).
Jennifer Liu, Abigail Schaible, Kirsten Johnson, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2016 - present. The effect of nocturnal lighting and prey behavior on foraging in the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus.
Cassandra McNitt, Courteney Klepfer, Terri Provost, and Thomas McCarthy. - 2015-present: Examining snail survival, hormone concentrations, and reproductive output following exposure to PCB and atrazine.
Shamaris Perez and Thomas McCarthy. - 2015-present: Examining snail survival, hormone concentrations, and reproductive output in various temperature regimes.
Jasmina Samardzic, Dain Heath, Daniel Long, Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan. 2015-2016. The effect of artificial night lighting on nocturnal emergence and activity in the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus.
Sarah Miller, Dain Heath, and Amy Lindsey. August 2014-current: A comparison of visual function between A. tigrinum and A. maculatum.
Son Nguyen and Thomas McCarthy. – 2014-present: Examining influence of serotonin concentration on behavior and endocrinology of crayfish.
Tiffany Cabrera, Jasmina Samardzic, Abigail Schaible, Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan. 2014-present. The effect of artificial night lighting on the nocturnal activity of the fruit fly, Drosophila virilis.
Hardik Nariya, Roza Zhushma, Jessica Thomas, Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan. 2014-present. The effect of artificial night lighting on fecundity and reproduction in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans.
Joshua Visalli, Mark Nelson, Ignacia Bermudez, Jon Treen, Praise Njoku Austin, Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan.2012-2013. The effect of low-illumination night lighting on the growth, development, and nocturnal activity of African Clawed Frog larvae.
Kirsten Evans and Thomas McCarthy. – 2011-present: Examining influence of caffeine exposure on behavior of crayfish.
Travis Cobb and Thomas McCarthy. 2009-2010. Foraging and prey-handling strategies of crayfish consuming aquatic snails: do individuals have repeatable, idiosyncratic behaviors when consuming prey?
Vo, Khoa, Jessica June, Thomas McCarthy, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2008. Artificial night lighting alters behavior, growth, and reproductive patterns of an aquatic hermaphrodite snail.
Amanda Murphy, Martine Samson, Kristen Hamner, Travis Cobb, Daniel Barr, Michelle Boucher, Jeffrey Berlin, Curtis Pulliam and Thomas McCarthy. 2008-2010. Examination of the chemical composition of ecologically important “alarm cues” in aquatic gastropods.
Taylor, R., B. Buchanan, and J. Doherty*. 2007. Sexual Selection in the Squirrel Treefrog, Hyla squirella: The Role of Multimodal Cue Assessment in Female Choice. Animal Behaviour. 74:1153-1163. Journal Article, Peer Reviewed, International Journal.
Laura Prestia, Terri Provost, and Thomas McCarthy - 2005-2007 Repeatability of activity levels and relationships between activity and energetic reserves in snails.
Marium Hussaini and Thomas McCarthy - 2005-2006, Activity patterns in spiders.
Kaylyn Bingel, Heidi Savage, Sharon Wise, Terri Provost and Bryant Buchanan. 2004-2005. The effect of constant illumination of different intensities on the embryonic development of clawed frogs, Xenopus laevus.
Layla Freeborn and Bryant Buchanan. 2004- 2005: Digitizing analog recorded vocalizations of Hylid treefrogs in preparation for call analysis.
Matt Mittiga, S. Wise and B. Buchanan. 2003- 2004. The effect of constant illumination on the embryonic development of clawed frogs, Xenopus laevus.
Theresa Owens, Ryan Taylor, Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan. 2003- 2004. Evaluating the ultraviolet visual capabilities of red-backed salamanders and squirrel treefrogs.
Patrick Dawes, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan in collaboration with Utica Zoo. 2003- 2004. Project 1: Field research evaluating the possibility of spotted turtle reintroduction in Utica. Project 2: The effect of constant illumination on activity and emergence times of salamanders under laboratory conditions.
Tammy Kenny, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2003-2004. Evaluation of the role of acoustic signals in communication in red-backed salamanders.
Scott Bushinger, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2002- 2003. Evaluation of ‘black-light’ visual capabilities of red-backed salamanders.
Joelle Cordova, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2002. Evaluation of the effect of darkness of nocturnal phase on the movements of red-backed salamanders.
Judson Frye, Tyrisha Clary, Heather Gordon, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2002. Evaluation of the effect of artificial light on the initiation of activity of activity of salamanders in a natural environment.
Joe DeBonza, Emerson Morse, Reben Beaubrun, Sharon Wise. 2002-2003. Description of acoustic signals and the potential for acoustic communication in the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus.
Eric Jackson, Sharon Wise, and Bryant Buchanan. 2002. The effect of above litter illumination, litter depth, and litter moisture content on below-litter illumination available for vision in leaf litter animals.
Giselle Brown, Surana George, and Wendy Guellermo, and Bryant Buchanan. 2001-2002. Evaluation of temperature-dependent low-illumination visual capabilities of the squirrel treefrog, Hyla squirella.
Akosua Gyasi and Bryant Buchanan. 2001. An evaluation of the efficacy of digital skeletochronology for predicting age in small, short-lived frogs.
Jacque Gowins, Laura Flanagan, and Bryant Buchanan. 1998. Efficacy of skeletochronology in age determination in short-lived treefrogs.
Diedre Sorenson, Ananda Petek, and Bryant Buchanan. 1998. Multi-modal gender recognition in Pseudacris crucifer.
Tina Dicenso and Jessica Chmura. 1998. Role of foraging and energetics in male display and mate choice in Hyla versicolor.
Buchanan, B. W. and R. C. Taylor*. 1996. Lightening the load: micturition enhances jumping performance in squirrel treefrogs. Journal of Herpetology 30 (3): 410-413. Journal Article, Peer Reviewed, International Journal.
Sharon Parks, Alexandra Singer, Kellee Blackwell, and Shai Ronen. Hughes Foundation Research Interns: 1996. Role of foraging and energetics in male display and mate choice in Hyla versicolor. University of Missouri.
Amy Karon and Jennifer Neighbors. 1994. Nocturnal activity patterns of Plethodon cinereus. Mountain Lake Biological Station, VA. Co-advisor with Sharon Wise.
Stephanie Souter, Eric Graveson, and Benjamin Fontenot. 1992-1993. Effect of rapid shifts in illumination on prey detection in Plethodon cinereus. Univ. Louisiana – Lafayette.
Wise SE and RG Jaeger. 2016. Seasonal and geographic variation in territorial conflicts by male red-backed salamanders. Behaviour (in press).
McCarthy TM, Keyes J & Cade WH. 2013. Phonotactic Behavior of Male Field Crickets (Gryllus texensis) in Response to Acoustic Calls From Conspecific Males. Journal of Insect Behavior, 26: 634-648.
Perry, G., B. W. Buchanan, R. Fisher, M. Salmon, and S. Wise. 2008. Effects of night lighting on urban reptiles and amphibians. Chapter 16 in: Urban Herpetology: Ecology, Conservation and Management of Amphibians and Reptiles in Urban and Suburban Environments. J. C. Mitchell, R. E. Jung Brown and B. Bartholomew (ed.). Herpetological Conservation 3:211-228.
Taylor, R., B. Buchanan, and J. Doherty*. 2007. Sexual Selection in the Squirrel Treefrog, Hyla squirella: The Role of Multimodal Cue Assessment in Female Choice. Animal Behaviour. 74:1153-1163.
Buchanan, B. W. 2006. Observed and potential effects of artificial night lighting on anuran amphibians. Chapter 9 in Rich, C. and T. Longcore (Eds). Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press; pp. 192-220.
Wise, S. E. and B. W. Buchanan. 2006. The influence of artificial illumination on the nocturnal behavior and physiology of salamanders: studies in the laboratory and field. Chapter 10 in Rich, C. and T. Longcore (Eds). Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press; pp. 221-251.
Wise, S. E., F. D. Verret*, and R. G. Jaeger. 2004. Tail autotomy in territorial salamanders influences scent marking by residents and behavioral responses of intruders to resident chemical cues. Copeia 2004:165-172.
Schwartz, J. J., B. W. Buchanan, and H. C. Gerhardt. 2003. Acoustic interactions among male gray treefrogs in a chorus setting. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 53:9-19.
Schwartz, J. J., B. W. Buchanan, and H. C. Gerhardt. 2001. Female mate choice in the gray treefrog in three experimental environments. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49:443-455.
Buchanan, B. W. 1998. Low-illumination prey detection by squirrel treefrogs. Journal of Herpetology 32:270-274.
Wise, S. E. and R. G. Jaeger. 1998. The influence of tail autotomy on agonistic behaviour in a territorial salamander. Animal Behaviour 55:1707-1716.
Buchanan, B. W. and R. C. Taylor*. 1996. Lightening the load: micturition enhances jumping performance in squirrel treefrogs. Journal of Herpetology 30 (3): 410-413.
Mathis, A., R. G. Jaeger, W. H. Keen, P. K. Ducey, S. C. Walls and B. W. Buchanan. 1995. Chapter 6: Aggression and territoriality in salamanders and a comparison with the territorial behavior of frogs. In H. Heatwole (ed). Amphibian Biology, Vol. 2: Social Behaviour. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton. pp. 633-676.
Fauth, J. E., B. W. Buchanan, S. E. Wise, S. M. Welter*, and M. J. Komoroski. 1996. Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis, coloration. Herpetological Review 27:135.
Lancaster, D. L. and S. E. Wise. 1996. Differential response by the ringneck snake, Diadophis punctatus, to odors of tail-autotomizing prey. Herpetologica 52:98-108.
Jaeger, R. G., J. Schwarz*, and S. E. Wise. 1995. Territorial male salamanders have foraging tactics attractive to gravid females. Animal Behaviour 49:633-639.
Buchanan, B. W. and R. G. Jaeger. 1995. Chapter 3: Amphibians. In: B. E. Rollin (ed.). The Experimental Animal in Biomedical Research, Vol. II: Care, Husbandry and Well-Being -- An Overview by Species. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. pp. 31-48.
Buchanan, B. W. 1994. Sexual dimorphism in Hyla squirella: chromatic and pattern variation between the sexes. Copeia 1994(3):797-802.
Seaman, J. W., Jr., S. C. Walls, S. E. Wise, and R. G. Jaeger. 1994. Caveat Emptor: Rank transform methods and interaction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9:261-263.
Wise, S. E., K. S. Siex*, K. M. Brown*, and R. G. Jaeger. 1993. Recognition influences social interactions in red-spotted newts. Journal of Herpetology 27:149-154.
Buchanan, B. W. 1993. Effects of enhanced lighting on the behaviour of nocturnal frogs. Animal Behaviour 45(5):893-899.
Wise, S. E. and B. W. Buchanan. 1992. An efficient method for measuring salamanders. Herpetological Review 23(2):56-57.
Buchanan, B. W. 1992. Bimodal nocturnal activity pattern of Hyla squirella. Journal of Herpetology 26(4):521-523.
Jaeger, R. G. and S. E. Wise. 1991. A reexamination of the male salamander "sexy faeces hypothesis". Journal of Herpetology 25:370-373.
2015 - Presentation - Wise, S. E. and B. W. Buchanan. 2015. Creatures of the Night: Amphibians at Risk. Conference Title: One Coin – Two Sides: Impacts of Light Pollution to Fish and Wildlife Resources and the Mitigating Role of Emerging Lighting Technologies, 2015 Annual General Meeting, International Dark-Sky Association. Phoenix, AZ, USA. Oral Presentation and Panel Discussion.
2015 - Presentation - Cabrera,* Tiffany., Jasmina Samardzic,* Abigail Schaible*, Sharon Wise, and Bryant. Buchanan. The effect of artificial night lighting on the activity of Drosophila virilis. Utica College Student Research Conference. Oral Presentation.
2015 - Presentation - Treen,* John, Mark. Nelson*, Sharon. Wise and Bryant. Buchanan. Prey detection by the red-backed salamander under low illuminations. Utica College Student Research Conference. Oral Presentation.
2014 Invited Presentation - Buchanan, B. W., S. E. Wise, and J. Visalli*. Artificial light at night alters tadpole activity. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York. Symposium: Invited Presentation.
2014 Invited Presentation - Wise, S. E., A. Pascone*, and B. W. Buchanan. 2014 The impact of light pollution on activity of juvenile salamanders. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York. Symposium: Invited Presentation.
2014 - Presentation - Buchanan, B. W., S. E. Wise, and J. Visalli*. Artificial light at night alters tadpole activity. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York.
2014 - Presentation - Wise, S. E., A. Pascone*, and B. W. Buchanan. 2014 The impact of light pollution on activity of juvenile salamanders. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York. Symposium: Invited Presentation.
2014 - Presentation - Justine Gordon*, Bryant Buchanan, Jessica Shinn-Thomas. Using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model to Study ADHD and Memory. 22nd Annual CSTEP Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY
2013 - Publication - McCarthy TM, Keyes J & Cade WH. 2013. Male field crickets (Gryllus texensis) exhibit phonotactic behavior in response to acoustic calls from conspecific males. Journal of Insect Behavior, 26: 634-648.
2013 - Poster Presentation - Blowers, A. J.*, K. R. Ford, J. Ralston, and S. E. Scanga. Local and landscape-scale habitat selection in five boreal birds threatened by climate change. International Congress for Conservation Biology 2013, Baltimore, MD.
2013 - Presentation - Buchanan, Bryant. Light pollution associated with urbanization can disrupt normal physiology, behavior, ecology, and evolution of frogs. Symposium: Light Pollution in an Urbanized World: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. INTECOL. British Ecological Society, London.
2013 - Kurtz, Dan. attended the Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences in Ft. Meyers Florida
2011 - Presentation - Meagan Sudik, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. The Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on Nocturnal Activity of the Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Utica College Student Research Day
2011 - Presentation - Alex Rohacek, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. The Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on Salamander Tail Regeneration. Utica College Student Research Day.
2011 - Presentation - Ashley Schlichting, A. Rohacek, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. Variation in Prey Consumption Associated with Tail Regeneration Rates in Salamanders Exposed to Artificial Night Lighting (Light Pollution). Utica College Student Research Day
2011 - Presentation - Jona Johnson and J. McLear. Light Exposure and Huntington’s Disease in Drosophila melanogaster. Utica College Student Research Day
2011. Award - Emma LaLonde* (8th grade Donovan Middle School) won third place in her division at the 33rd Annual Utica College Regional Science Fair for her project entitled: "How does light pollution affect reproduction in fruit flies" conducted in collaboration with members of the Utica College Light Pollution Research Group.
2010. Presentation - Rohacek, A.*, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. The Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on the Nocturnal Activity of the Terrestrial Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus.Poster presentation - 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2010. Presentation - McCarthy, T., B. Buchanan, S. Wise, and T. Provost. Nocturnal light pollution and chemical contaminants alter reproductive patterns and hormone concentrations of hermaphroditic freshwater snails. Symposium: Reproduction and mating systems in hermaphroditic mollusks; World Congress of Malacology, Bangkok, Thailand.
2010. Invited Presentation - Wise, S. B. Buchanan, J. Cordova, P. Dawes, and A. Rohacek.Impacts of artificial night lighting on the behavior of nocturnal salamanders. Symposium: Artificial lights and nature: challenges for dusk-to-dawn conservation management at the 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2010. Invited Presentation - Buchanan, B. W., S. E. Wise, T. McCarthy, H. Savage, J. June, andK. Bingel. Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on Growth and Development in Aquatic Snails and Frog Larvae. Symposium: Artificial lights and nature: challenges for dusk-to-dawn conservation management at the 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2009 - Presentation - S. Wise, B. Buchanan, and P. Dawes. Artificial Night Lighting Alters Surface Activity of Red-backed Salamanders. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Portland, OR.abstract
2009 - Presentation - Wright, M., T. Provost, and A. K. Pack. Effects of developmental and longitudinal exposure to the PCB Aroclor® 1254 on balance in black Swiss-Webster mice. 2009 Neuroscience Meetings. abstract
2008 - Presentation - *McCarthy TM, ‡June J, ‡Vo K, Provost T, Wise S & Buchanan B.Artificial night lighting alters behavioral, growth and reproductive patterns of an aquatic hermaphrodite snail. 12th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, 2008
2008 - Presentation - 2008. Buchanan, B. W., H. Savage, S. Wise, and K. Bingel. Artificial night lighting affects anuran larval growth and development. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH, HL, SSAR). Montreal, Quebec.
2008 - Presentation - *‡Prestia L, Provost T & McCarthy TM. Activity levels in relation to habitat and energy in freshwater hermaphroditic snails. Northeast Natural History Conference X, 2008 Published abstract: Abstracts Northeast Natural History Conference X. N.Y. State Mus. Circ. 71: pp 77. 2008. (ISBN: 1-55557-246-4)
2008 - Presentation - *‡Vo K, McCarthy TM, Buchanan B & Wise S. Effect of artificial night lighting and time of day on aquatic snail activity patterns. Northeast Natural History Conference X, 2008 Published abstract: Abstracts Northeast Natural History Conference X. N.Y. State Mus. Circ. 71: pp 83. 2008. (ISBN: 1-55557-246-4)
2007. McCarthy, J. June*, B. Buchanan, S. Wise, and T. Provost. Nocturnal Light Levels Alter Testosterone Concentrations and the Onset of Reproduction in Hermaphroditic Freshwater Snails. The Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Tom McCarthy presented a seminar entitled:Exploring implications of the risk allocation hypothesis: sex and death to the Biology Department atHamilton College.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Tom McCarthy presented a seminar entitled: Genetic similarity influences mating behavior and reproductive success in a hermaphroditic snail, Physa gyrinato the Utica Marsh Council at the Annual Dinner.
2007 - Presentation - A.K. Pack. Exercises that increase students’ confidence with the primary literature as measured through use of quoted text and number of references in a term paper. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2007 - Presentation: G.K. Mahoney, B. Güçlü, L. J. Pawson, A. K. Pack, R.T. Verrillo, R.L. Smith, and S.J. Bolanowski. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the Merkel-cell distribution in the monkey finger. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Sharon Wise invited to speak at Starlight 2007: International Conference in Defence of the Quality of the Night Sky and the Right to Observe the Stars, La Palma, Canary Islands
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Bryant Buchanan invited to provide Introductory Presentation: Ecological and Human Health Concerns:What Can Wildlife Tell Us? and to Moderate the Symposium on Ecological and Human Health Concerns at conference: The Night: Why Dark Hours Are So Important, International Dark Sky Association, Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC
2006. Presentation: L.J. Pawson, A.K. Pack, M.C. Anzalone, B. Güçlü, P.J. Cox, L.T. Prestia, R.L. Smith, R.T. Verrillo, and S.J. Bolanowski. The effect of amiloride on Pacinian corpuscles (PCs). Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2006. Presentation: G.K. Mahoney, B Güçlü, L.J. Pawson, Y. Ikuta, A.K. Pack, R.T. Verrillo, R.L. Smith, and S.J. Bolanowski. Morphometric analyses of epidermal ridges and Merkel cells in monkeys. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2006 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Bryant Buchanan presented a seminar entitled:Environmental and evolutionary factors influencing the expression of alternative reproductive tactics in treefrogs to the Biology Department at Hamilton College.
2005 - Presentation: McCarthy TM, Keyes J* & Cade WH. Male calling and phonotactic behaviors in the field cricket, Gryllus texensis. Presented at:
-- Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting
-- 9th International Conference of the Orthopterists’ Society
2004 - Presentation: Owens, T. M*. and B. W. Buchanan. Poster. Ultraviolet Visual Capabilities of the Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2004 - Presentation: Kenny, T, L.*, S. E. Wise, and B. W. Buchanan. Poster. Sound Production and Social Interactions in the Red-Backed Salamander. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2004 - Presentation: Jackson, E.*, B. Buchanan, and S. Wise. Poster. An Evaluation of Illumination Levels Available to Leaf Litter Organisms that Reside in or Below the Leaf Litter. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2004 - Presentation: Buchanan, B. W. and S. W. Wise. Artificial night lighting alters emergence time in nocturnally active terrestrial salamanders. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2003 - Presentation: Ecology of the Night Symposium, Muskoka, Canada - Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan present their research.
2003 - Presentation: Sharon Wise Pine Barrens Research Forum - Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.
2003 - Presentation: Bryant Buchanan Pine Barrens Research Forum - Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.
2002 - Presentation: Buchanan, B. W. The visual ecology of the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Jaeger Symposium: Herpetologists’ League, Kansas City.
2002. Presentation: Wise, S. and B. Buchanan. The effects of artificial illumination on the ecology and behavior of salamanders. Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting Urban Wildlands Group - UCLA Institute for the Environment Conference, Los Angeles.
2002 - Presentation: Buchanan, B. W. Observed and Potential effects of artificial light on the behavior, ecology, and evolution of nocturnal frogs. Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting - Urban Wildlands Group - UCLA Institute for the Environment Conference, Los Angeles.
2017 - Quartz.com - News Story - Not Everyone is as Excited About the Eclipse as Humans
2016 - New Publication: Wise SE and RG Jaeger. 2016. Seasonal and geographic variation in territorial conflicts by male red-backed salamanders. Behaviour (in press).
2015 - Professor of Biology Tom McCarthy becomes Associate Dean of the Division of Science and Mathematics.
2015 - Professor of Biology Sharon Wise becomes Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences.
2015 - Award - Professor of Biology Bryant Buchanan wins the 2015 Virgil Crisafulli Distinguished Teaching Award.
2015 - Presentation - Cabrera,* Tiffany., Jasmina Samardzic,* Abigail Schaible*, Sharon Wise, and Bryant. Buchanan. The effect of artificial night lighting on the activity of Drosophila virilis. Utica College Student Research Conference. Oral Presentation.
2015 - Presentation - Treen,* John, Mark. Nelson*, Sharon. Wise and Bryant. Buchanan. Prey detection by the red-backed salamander under low illuminations. Utica College Student Research Conference. Oral Presentation.
2014 Invited Presentation - Buchanan, B. W., S. E. Wise, and J. Visalli*. Artificial light at night alters tadpole activity. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York. Symposium: Invited Presentation.
2014 Invited Presentation - Wise, S. E., A. Pascone*, and B. W. Buchanan. 2014 The impact of light pollution on activity of juvenile salamanders. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York. Symposium: Invited Presentation.
2014 - Presentation - Buchanan, B. W., S. E. Wise, and J. Visalli*. Artificial light at night alters tadpole activity. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York.
2014 - Presentation - Wise, S. E., A. Pascone*, and B. W. Buchanan. 2014 The impact of light pollution on activity of juvenile salamanders. Symposium: Light Pollution: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York. Symposium: Invited Presentation.
2014 - Presentation - Justine Gordon*, Bryant Buchanan, Jessica Shinn-Thomas. Using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model to Study ADHD and Memory. 22nd Annual CSTEP Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY
2013 - Publication - McCarthy TM, Keyes J & Cade WH. 2013. Male field crickets (Gryllus texensis) exhibit phonotactic behavior in response to acoustic calls from conspecific males. Journal of Insect Behavior, 26: 634-648.
2013 - Poster Presentation - Blowers, A. J.*, K. R. Ford, J. Ralston, and S. E. Scanga. Local and landscape-scale habitat selection in five boreal birds threatened by climate change. International Congress for Conservation Biology 2013, Baltimore, MD.
2013 - Presentation - Buchanan, Bryant. Light pollution associated with urbanization can disrupt normal physiology, behavior, ecology, and evolution of frogs. Symposium: Light Pollution in an Urbanized World: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. INTECOL. British Ecological Society, London.
2013 - Kurtz, Dan. attended the Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences in Ft. Meyers Florida
2012 - October - Dedication: The Community Foundation Zoology Laboratory
2012 - September - GSC187/197 Zoology Lab Renovations Complete
2012 - May - GSC187/197 Zoology Lab Renovation Begins
2011 - September - Dedication: James and Katherine Pyne General Biology Laboratory
2011 - September - GSC166 General Biology Lab Renovation Complete.
2011 - Presentation - Meagan Sudik, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. The Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on Nocturnal Activity of the Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Utica College Student Research Day
2011 - Presentation - Alex Rohacek, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. The Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on Salamander Tail Regeneration. Utica College Student Research Day.
2011 - Presentation - Ashley Schlichting, A. Rohacek, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. Variation in Prey Consumption Associated with Tail Regeneration Rates in Salamanders Exposed to Artificial Night Lighting (Light Pollution). Utica College Student Research Day
2011 - Presentation - Jona Johnson and J. McLear. Light Exposure and Huntington’s Disease in Drosophila melanogaster. Utica College Student Research Day
2011. Award - Emma LaLonde* (8th grade Donovan Middle School) won third place in her division at the 33rd Annual Utica College Regional Science Fair for her project entitled: "How does light pollution affect reproduction in fruit flies" conducted in collaboration with members of the Utica College Light Pollution Research Group.
2010. Publication/Cover Story for The Neuroscientist -
Pack, A. and L. Pawson. Neuroglial Modulation in Peripheral Sensory Systems. Neuroscientist August 2010 vol. 16 no. 4 342-348
2010. News Report - Let there be night, for wildlife's sake. Description of symposium and research byS. Wise, A. Rohacek*, T. McCarthy, and B. Buchanan. New Scientist, 17 July 2010.
2010. News Report - In Search of Dark Nights: Astronomers and Conservationists Team Up Against Bright Lights. description of symposium with talks by S. Wise, A. Rohacek*, T. McCarthy, and B. Buchanan. Nature News 7 July 2010.
2010. Presentation - Rohacek, A.*, S. Wise, and B. Buchanan. The Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on the Nocturnal Activity of the Terrestrial Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus.Poster presentation - 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2010. Presentation - McCarthy, T., B. Buchanan, S. Wise, and T. Provost. Nocturnal light pollution and chemical contaminants alter reproductive patterns and hormone concentrations of hermaphroditic freshwater snails. Symposium: Reproduction and mating systems in hermaphroditic mollusks; World Congress of Malacology, Bangkok, Thailand.
2010. Invited Presentation - Wise, S. B. Buchanan, J. Cordova, P. Dawes, and A. Rohacek.Impacts of artificial night lighting on the behavior of nocturnal salamanders. Symposium: Artificial lights and nature: challenges for dusk-to-dawn conservation management at the 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2010. Invited Presentation - Buchanan, B. W., S. E. Wise, T. McCarthy, H. Savage, J. June, andK. Bingel. Effects of Artificial Night Lighting on Growth and Development in Aquatic Snails and Frog Larvae. Symposium: Artificial lights and nature: challenges for dusk-to-dawn conservation management at the 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2010 - $50,000 equipment grant from the Alden Trust funding research in molecular biology, evolution, animal behavior, physiology, and conservation biology.
2010 - $100,000 equipment grant received from the Community Foundation to fund research in light pollution, animal behavior, molecular biology, microbiology, and physiology.
2009 - Interview with A. Pack in Edible Seduction by Matt Bean, Men's Health June 2009:138-154.
2009 - Publication - McCarthy TM, ‡Keyes J & Cade WH. (accepted pending revisions.) Male field crickets (Gryllus texensis) exhibit phonotactic behavior in response to acoustic calls from conspecific males. Journal of Insect Behavior.
2009 - Publication - Pack, A and Pawson, L. (2009 anticipated). Glio-neuronal modulation of peripheral sensory transduction (invited review, delivered August 2009). The Neuroscientist. Citation information TBA.
2009 - Publication - Suryadevara, AC, Wanamaker HH, Pack A. (2009) The effects of sound conditioning on gentamicin-induced vestibulocochlear toxicity in gerbils. Laryngoscope 119(6):1166-70.
2009 - Presentation - S. Wise, B. Buchanan, and P. Dawes. Artificial Night Lighting Alters Surface Activity of Red-backed Salamanders. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Portland, OR.abstract
2009 - Presentation - Wright, M., T. Provost, and A. K. Pack. Effects of developmental and longitudinal exposure to the PCB Aroclor® 1254 on balance in black Swiss-Webster mice. 2009 Neuroscience Meetings. abstract
2009 -Publication - Pawson, Lorraine. Laura T. Prestia, Greer K. Mahoney, Burak Gu¨c¸lu¨, Philip J. Cox, and Adam K. Pack. 2009. GABAergic/Glutamatergic–Glial/Neuronal Interaction Contributes to Rapid Adaptation in Pacinian Corpuscles. The Journal of Neuroscience 29(9):2695–2705.
2009 - Research News - THE DEATH OF NIGHT Astronomers and Environmentalists Fight to Save Dark Skies mentions research findings of S. Wise and B. Buchanan in the German Magazine Speigel.
2009- Publication - Perry, G., B. W. Buchanan, R. Fisher, M. Salmon, and S. Wise. Effects of night lights on urban reptiles and amphibians. Chapter 16 in: Urban Herpetology: Ecology, Conservation and Management of Amphibians and Reptiles in Urban and Suburban Environments. J. C. Mitchell, R. E. Jung Brown and B. Bartholomew (ed.). Herpetological Conservation 3: 211-228.
2008 - Publication - Pawson, L., C.M., Checkosky, A.K. Pack, and S.J. Bolanowski (2008) Mesenteric and tactile Pacinian corpuscles are anatomically and physiologically comparable. . Somatosensory & Motor Research Vol. 25, pp. 194-206).
2008 - Publication - Güçlü B, Mahoney GK, Pawson LJ, Pack AK, Smith RL, Bolanowski SJ. (2008) Localization of Merkel cells in the skin: An anatomical model. Somatosensory and Motor Research. 25: 123-138.
2008 - Presentation - *McCarthy TM, ‡June J, ‡Vo K, Provost T, Wise S & Buchanan B.Artificial night lighting alters behavioral, growth and reproductive patterns of an aquatic hermaphrodite snail. 12th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, 2008
2008 - Presentation - 2008. Buchanan, B. W., H. Savage, S. Wise, and K. Bingel. Artificial night lighting affects anuran larval growth and development. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH, HL, SSAR). Montreal, Quebec.
2008 - Presentation - *‡Prestia L, Provost T & McCarthy TM. Activity levels in relation to habitat and energy in freshwater hermaphroditic snails. Northeast Natural History Conference X, 2008 Published abstract: Abstracts Northeast Natural History Conference X. N.Y. State Mus. Circ. 71: pp 77. 2008. (ISBN: 1-55557-246-4)
2008 - Presentation - *‡Vo K, McCarthy TM, Buchanan B & Wise S. Effect of artificial night lighting and time of day on aquatic snail activity patterns. Northeast Natural History Conference X, 2008 Published abstract: Abstracts Northeast Natural History Conference X. N.Y. State Mus. Circ. 71: pp 83. 2008. (ISBN: 1-55557-246-4)
2008 – Publication - McCarthy TM & Sih A. 2008. Relatedness of mates influences mating behavior and reproductive success of the hermaphroditic freshwater snail Physa gyrina. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10: 77-94.
2008 - manuscript submitted - Burak Güçlü, Greer K. Mahoney, Lorraine J. Pawson, Adam K. Pack, and Robert L. Smith. Compartmental cable model predicts directional sensitivity and voltage-sensitive terminal branches in slowly-adapting Type I mechanoreceptive fibers. Submitted to Journal of Neuroscience.
2007 - Faculty Member Sharon Wise becomes Associate Editor for the Journal Copeia of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
2007 - Publication - Dickey BF & McCarthy TM. Predator-prey interactions between crayfish (Orconectes juvenilis) and snails (Physa gyrina) are affected by spatial scale and chemical cues.Invertebrate Biology, 126: 57-66.
2007. McCarthy, J. June*, B. Buchanan, S. Wise, and T. Provost. Nocturnal Light Levels Alter Testosterone Concentrations and the Onset of Reproduction in Hermaphroditic Freshwater Snails. The Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Tom McCarthy presented a seminar entitled:Exploring implications of the risk allocation hypothesis: sex and death to the Biology Department atHamilton College.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Tom McCarthy presented a seminar entitled: Genetic similarity influences mating behavior and reproductive success in a hermaphroditic snail, Physa gyrinato the Utica Marsh Council at the Annual Dinner.
2007 - Publication - Taylor, R., B. Buchanan, and J. Doherty. Sexual Selection in the Squirrel Treefrog,Hyla squirella: The Role of Multimodal Cue Assessment in Female Choice. Animal Behaviour 74:1753-1763
2007 - Publication - Pawson, L., A Pack, and S Bolanowski. Possible glutaminergic interaction between the capsule and neurite of Pacinian corpuscles. Somatosens Mot Res. 24(1-2):85-95.
2007 - Presentation - A.K. Pack. Exercises that increase students’ confidence with the primary literature as measured through use of quoted text and number of references in a term paper. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2007 - Presentation: G.K. Mahoney, B. Güçlü, L. J. Pawson, A. K. Pack, R.T. Verrillo, R.L. Smith, and S.J. Bolanowski. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the Merkel-cell distribution in the monkey finger. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Sharon Wise invited to speak at Starlight 2007: International Conference in Defence of the Quality of the Night Sky and the Right to Observe the Stars, La Palma, Canary Islands
2007 - News Article: AAAS Science Now: Bright Nights Dim Survival Chances - describes research by UC Students Heidi Savage ('06), Kaylyn Bingel ('05), Jessica June ('06), and Faculty Sharon Wise, Tom McCarthy, and Bryant Buchanan.
2007 - News Article: Voice of America News. Audio and Online. Urban Glow Hides Stars, Disrupts Animal Life. - describes research by UC Students Heidi Savage ('06), Kaylan Bingel ('05), Jessica June('06), and Faculty Sharon Wise, Tom McCarthy, and Bryant Buchanan.
2007- News Article: Scripps Howard News Service. Scientists discuss possible dangers of nighttime light. - describes research by UC Students Heidi Savage ('06), Kaylan Bingel ('05), Jessica June ('06), and Faculty Sharon Wise, Tom McCarthy, and Bryant Buchanan.
2007 - News Article: Could bright nights mean lights-out for species? Scientists discuss dangers of a lack of darkness. Seattle Post Intelligencer Online: - describes research by UC Students Heidi Savage('06), Kaylan Bingel ('05), Jessica June ('06), and Faculty Sharon Wise, Tom McCarthy, and Bryant Buchanan.
2007 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Bryant Buchanan invited to provide Introductory Presentation: Ecological and Human Health Concerns:What Can Wildlife Tell Us? and to Moderate the Symposium on Ecological and Human Health Concerns at conference: The Night: Why Dark Hours Are So Important, International Dark Sky Association, Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC
2007 - News Article: Zoogoer: Night, Interrupted - discusses light pollution research by UC studentsHeidi Savage ('06) and Kaylan Bingel ('05) and professors Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan
2006. Presentation: L.J. Pawson, A.K. Pack, M.C. Anzalone, B. Güçlü, P.J. Cox, L.T. Prestia, R.L. Smith, R.T. Verrillo, and S.J. Bolanowski. The effect of amiloride on Pacinian corpuscles (PCs). Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2006. Presentation: G.K. Mahoney, B Güçlü, L.J. Pawson, Y. Ikuta, A.K. Pack, R.T. Verrillo, R.L. Smith, and S.J. Bolanowski. Morphometric analyses of epidermal ridges and Merkel cells in monkeys. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
2006 - News Article: Science News: Light All Night - discusses light pollution research including that by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan
2006 - Invited Presentation - Faculty member Bryant Buchanan presented a seminar entitled:Environmental and evolutionary factors influencing the expression of alternative reproductive tactics in treefrogs to the Biology Department at Hamilton College.
2006 - Publication: Wise, S. E. and B. W. Buchanan. 'The influence of artificial illumination on the nocturnal behavior and physiology of salamanders: studies in the laboratory and field.' Chapter 10 in Rich, C. and T. Longcore (Eds). Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press.
2006 - Publication: Buchanan, B. W. 'Observed and potential effects of light pollution on anuran amphibians.' Chapter 9 in Rich, C. and T. Longcore (Eds). Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press.
2005 - Presentation: McCarthy TM, Keyes J* & Cade WH. Male calling and phonotactic behaviors in the field cricket, Gryllus texensis. Presented at:
-- Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting
-- 9th International Conference of the Orthopterists’ Society
2005 - Grant: Heidi Savage ('06) was awarded a $100 grant from the Faculty Resources Committee to complete her research on the effects of artificial night lighting on melatonin concentraion in tadpoles with Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan.
2005 Grant - 2005 - News: $750,000 Grant! National Institutes of Health - Dr. Adam Pack (with Verrillo, Ronald) - "Morphological organization of cutaneous mechanoreceptors" (reviewed in Integrated, Functional, and Cognitive Neurosciene, IFCN) grant period: 5/1/05-4/30/08
2004: discussion of research by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan in paper: Longcore and Rich, Frontiers in Ecology and Environment.
2004 - News: NASA Science Infrastructure Grant - a portion of the $1.78 million grant was awarded to the Biology Department to purchase new research equipment.
2004 - News Article: Newsday.com - "When Light isn't Fantastic" - includes light pollution research at UC by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan.
2004 - News Article: Conservation in Practice - "Degraded Darkness" text available at: 'Degraded Darkness' - includes light pollution research at UC by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan.
2004 - Publication: McCarthy TM. Effects of pair-type and isolation time on mating interactions of a freshwater snail, Physa gyrina (Say, 1821). American Malacological Bulletin, 19: 47-55.
2004 -Publication: Rohr JR, Elskus AA, Shepherd BS, Crowley PH, McCarthy TM, Niedzwiecki JH, Sager T, Sih A & Palmer BD. Multiple stressors and salamanders: effects of an herbicide, food limitation, and hydroperiod. Ecological Applications, 14: 1028-1040.
2004 - Publication: Wise, S. E. , F. D. Verret*, and R. G. Jaeger. Tail autotomy in territorial salamanders influences scent marking by residents and behavioral responses of intruders to resident chemical cues. Copeia 2004:165-172.
2004 - Presentation: Owens, T. M*. and B. W. Buchanan. Poster. Ultraviolet Visual Capabilities of the Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2004 - Presentation: Kenny, T, L.*, S. E. Wise, and B. W. Buchanan. Poster. Sound Production and Social Interactions in the Red-Backed Salamander. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2004 - Presentation: Jackson, E.*, B. Buchanan, and S. Wise. Poster. An Evaluation of Illumination Levels Available to Leaf Litter Organisms that Reside in or Below the Leaf Litter. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2004 - Presentation: Buchanan, B. W. and S. W. Wise. Artificial night lighting alters emergence time in nocturnally active terrestrial salamanders. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII.
2003 - Presentation: Ecology of the Night Symposium, Muskoka, Canada - Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan present their research.
2003 - Presentation: Sharon Wise Pine Barrens Research Forum - Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.
2003 - Presentation: Bryant Buchanan Pine Barrens Research Forum - Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.
2003 - News Article: Light Pollution Taking Toll on Wildlife - National Geographic article discusses research by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan
2003 - Publication: Schwartz, J. J., B. W. Buchanan, and H. C. Gerhardt. 2003. Acoustic interactions among male gray treefrogs in a chorus setting. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 53:9-19.
2002 - News Article: Science News - "Deprived of Darkness" - includes light pollution research at UC by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan
2002 - News Article: California Wild - Turn off the Lights! - News article from California Academy of Sciences concerning research by Sharon Wise and Bryant Buchanan
2002 - News: S. Wise and S. Walls organize the "Jaeger Symposium": Herpetologists’ League, Kansas City.
2002 - News Article: Toronto Globe and Mail - Blinded by the light - concerning research by Bryant Buchanan.
2002 - Presentation: Buchanan, B. W. The visual ecology of the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Jaeger Symposium: Herpetologists’ League, Kansas City.
2002. Presentation: Wise, S. and B. Buchanan. The effects of artificial illumination on the ecology and behavior of salamanders. Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting Urban Wildlands Group - UCLA Institute for the Environment Conference, Los Angeles.
2002 - Presentation: Buchanan, B. W. Observed and Potential effects of artificial light on the behavior, ecology, and evolution of nocturnal frogs. Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting - Urban Wildlands Group - UCLA Institute for the Environment Conference, Los Angeles.
All Biology majors are urged to become members of the Asa Gray Biological Society, named for the famous medical doctor and botanist Asa Gray. This is a faculty supported, student-run organization that expands and enriches the educational experience for students interested in biology. The student members organize many service, social, and special events including:
Asa Gray Seminar Series - This is a research-oriented Seminar Series that brings in Scientists from around the country to discuss their research, and is the longest running professional seminar series on campus.

Annual Fall Picnic - Each Autumn we spend an afternoon together grilling, talking, and playing yard games. The picnic is a wonderful way for our new students to get to know upper-division students and faculty.
Outdoor Activities - Asa Gray students take hikes in the nearby Adirondack Mountains.
Annual Spring Trip - Each spring, students and faculty take a weekend trip together. Trips include visits to museums, zoos, aquaria, and science centers as well as some time for independent recreation. Recent trips have been to Boston, New York, Niagara Falls in Canada, and Montreal.
Senior Banquet - The highlight of each academic year is the Senior Banquet where we celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating seniors. Also called "The Roast", the celebration concludes with fun times where seniors roast faculty and faculty roast graduating seniors. It's the perfect conclusion as we say "see you later" to our students as they venture into the next chapters of their academic pursuits.
Fund Raisers - Asa Gray students raise money to fund the above activities. Fundraisers include bake sales and plants sales of plants student grow in the greenhouse. Students work at the Bistro on BIO Row throughout the semester as a fundraiser.
Community Service - Students organize and participate in community service events throughout the year including Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, Spooktackular and Eggstravaganza at the Utica Zoo, distributing holiday meals to the elderly, Heart Run and Walk, Relay for Life, the Utica College Regional Science Fair, and many more.
Asa Gray Growers Group (AGGG) - AGGG is a sub-group of the Asa Gray Biological Society that grows plants, herbs, and flowers in the Biology Department Greenhouse to sell for a fund raising activity.
The Animal Behavior Society (ABS) is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(3)(c) professional organization dedicated to promoting and advancing the scientific study of animal behavior. Members of ABS study behavior across all levels of biological organization, under natural and controlled conditions, and using descriptive and experimental approaches. Together with its sister organization, the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB), ABS edits the field’s flagship scientific journal, Animal Behaviour. ABS also sponsors annual research conferences, educational programs, outreach activities, student research grant competitions, and a professional certification program.
Internships, Jobs, and Careers
Internships, Seasonal and Temporary Jobs
Student Conservation Organization
RIT - Internship List
Society for Conservation Biology
New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Wildlife Biology and Forestry
Ecology and Field Biology Internships
National Science Foundation
USA Jobs
State and Local Governments
Animal Behavior Society
Field Biology/Ornithology
Organization of Biological Field Stations
US Fish and Wildlife Service
National Park Service
American Zoo and Aquarium Association
Bald Head Island Sea Turtle Conservation
Student Conservation Association
Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
From earliest childhood, people are tremendously interested in how animals act—how they do things such as find food, avoid predators, choose mates, reproduce, and care for their young. At the same time, an understanding of the movements of animals—that is, animal behavior—holds great practical importance to animals and to human society. As a result of this interplay of interest and relevance, there is both a steady demand, and a wide-ranging supply, of careers related to behavior. (via the Animal Behavior Society)
The Utica Zoo has served the region for over 100 years. Located in Roscoe-Conkling Park, the zoo is part of a recreational complex made possible by the donation of land from Thomas R. Proctor in 1909. He had a dream that a park could do as much for South Utica as Central Park was doing for New York City. He hired a famous landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmstead Jr., whose father had designed Central Park, to plan the roads and scenic walkways in Roscoe Conkling Park. The Zoo has grown from its small beginnings with three fallow deer in 1914, to its present collection of 99 species of animals. Of the 80 acres of land set aside for the zoo’s use, 40 are presently developed.
Contact Us
Bryant W. Buchanan, Ph.D.

Bryant W. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology

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