Passenger Van Driving Privileges - Training Information

Passenger Van Driving Privileges - Training Information

12-Passenger Van

Driver Privileges | Training


Utica University employees are allowed to drive the 12-passenger vans for University-related events.

  • Employees must have and maintain a “clean” motor vehicle record/driver’s license. A “clean” MVR means no moving violations [DUI, DWI, SPEEDING (OVER 10 MPH) and/or ACCIDENT (AT-FAULT)] for 3 years and no more than 1 other violation (moving or non-moving) for 3 years. MVR’s are run on all drivers prior to being allowed to operate a van.
  • Employees must complete the Driver Training Course taught by the Environmental Health and Conservation office.


Students (21 years old minimum) may be trained to drive University vans only for the following cases, must have and maintain a “clean” MVR, and must complete the Driver Training Course taught by the Environmental Health and Conservation office:

  • Shuttle Service sponsored by the Student Activities department
  • Additional or backup driver for Athletics (must be accompanied by coach on the trip)
  • Residence Assistants (6 maximum) may drive locally (within a 15 mile radius of the University) without staff, however, trips over 15 miles require a faculty or staff member to be present on the trip
  • Special circumstances as approved by The Director of Environmental Health and Conservation


Van driver training is held in room 279 Gordon Science Center (Environmental office) and takes approximately 1-1/2 hours. Hands-on driving and familiarization with van controls are included.

How to Apply for Driving Privileges

Please complete the Application for University Driving Privileges and return it to the Director of Environmental Conservation, Gregg Sponburgh, if you need to drive a University van. If you have any questions, call the EHC office at 792-3743 (x3743).

Print / Download Application

Contact Us

Gregg Sponburgh, MPH

Gregg Sponburgh, MPH

Director, Environmental Health and Safety
Room 279
Gordon Science Center
(315) 792-3743

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