Matthew J. Caraher, PT, DPT, NCS

- Professor of Practice Physical Therapy
- Utica University Neuro Residency Faculty Advisor
- 308 Romano Hall
- School of Health Profess & Education
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Matthew Caraher is a neurologic physical therapist who joined the faculty of Utica University's Doctor of Physical Therapy program in 2024.
He is a graduate of Le Moyne College (BS in Biology 2010), as well as SUNY Upstate Medicial University (DPT 2013). He became an Advanced Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist in 2017.
Dr. Caraher has been practicing in neurologic physical therapy since 2013. He has served as a senior level therapist within the UHealth Institution, as well as the primary physical therapist for the department of neurology in the health care system.
Prior to joining Utica, Caraher was previously a co-founder and former program director for the University of Miami's PT Neurologic Residency Program from 2018 through 2023. During his time with the institution, he also served as an adjunct faculty member and mentor for the University of Miami's DPT program with primary roles in the neurologic curriculum as well as a mentor for UM's Center for Advanced Physical Therapy Teaching and Learning (CAPiTAL).
Caraher's areas of expertise are in acquired brain injury rehabilitation. His current areas of research include: degenerative neuromuscular conditions and the standardization of objective outcome measures for these patient populations.
Le Moyne College - Bachelor of Science Biology - 2010
SUNY Upstate Medical University - Doctor of Physical Therapy - 2013
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties- Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist- 2017
Accepted Presentations to the American Physical Therapy Associations Annual Combined Sections Meetings:
- Caraher M, Hill R, Lavine K, Madrazo A, Kirk-Sanchez N. Impairments and Activity Limitations in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Retrospective Study. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. February 2023. San Diego, California
- Martinez A, Caraher M. The Effects of Gait Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Walking Performance in Individuals with Chronic Stroke: A Case Series. (2023)
- Wohn J, Caraher M, Moore J. Effect of Perturbation-Based Training in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Series. (2022)
- Dimaano A, Caraher M, Moore J. Feasibility and Outcomes of Variable High Intensity Interval Gait Training on an Adult with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Report. (2022)
- Garay E, Caraher M. Gaining Compensation. Dosing Otolith Organs by Optokinetic Stimulation and Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Case Report. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. January 2022. San Antonio, Texas.
- Garcia-Casals M, Caraher M, Moore J. Assessing Gait Performance Following Training When Using Optimal Theory Approach Compared to Non-Optimal Approach: A Case Report. (2021)
- Demus A, Caraher M, Moore J. Pushing Intensity of Gait Training: A Case Report in Inpatient Stroke Rehab. (2021)
- Caraher M, Palermo A, Cahalin L, Wong M. Plyometric Training in the High Functioning Patient Post Cerebral Vascular Accident. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. February 2019. Washington, District of Columbia
- Caraher M, Vitolo C, Wong M, Cahalin L. Improved Mobility in a Patient with ALS following a Strengthening and Conditioning Program: A Case Report. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. February 2018. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Courses Taught
DPT 684 - Motor Learning, Motor Control, & Motor Development
DPT 686 - Principles of Evaluation and Treatment in Neurologic Rehabilitation
DPT 687 - Special Populations in Adult Neurologic Rehabilitation
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